you found my secret message :)
Public Appearances
- "Restoring A Vintage German EV" [EN]
- "Prototype Fund #14 DemoDay" [DE]
- "Digital Science Night at Uni Hamburg" [DE]
- "Podium discussion at Visionale Leipzig" [DE]
- "Dev & Donuts" [DE]
- "Inspirational stories about gender-inclusive making" [EN]
- "Tinker Tank: Mentor*innencamp" [DE]
- "KI: schon in der Schule Verständniss dafür schaffen" [DE]
- zu Gast im "dev env Podcast" [DE]
- "Living in a Pre-Fab Tiny House in Germany with Bleeptrack" [EN]
- hackaday berlin: "Oops, my project ended up in a museum" [EN]
- Prototype Fund Podcast: "Künstler*innen und Public Interest Tech" [DE]
- u3gu Ringvorlesung der Uni Ulm: "Zwischen Kunst und Code: Was ist Generative Art und wie funktioniert sie?" [DE]
- "Operation Mindfuck Vol. 6" [DE]
- "Wie künstliche Intelligenz Kunst und Gaming verändert" [DE]
- "NFTs und Kunst: eine toxische Beziehung" [DE]
- hackaday: "Laser-Cutting A Flurry Of Generative Snowflakes" [EN]
- t3n Magazin: "Die Algorithmen, die ich rief" [DE]
- SWR Kunscht![DE]
- RegioTV Schwaben Journal [DE]
- BREAKDOWN Conference: "Oops, my project ended up in a museum" [EN]
- AI+X Summit 2022 [EN]
- Golem Podcast: Kunst mit Code [DE]
- Show and Tell with Attie Grande [EN]
- Sabine Wieluch alias bleeptrack ist Artist in Residence der Programmierschule 42 Heilbronn[DE]
- Custom Fabrics (Make Vol. 82)! [EN]
- Gitkraken OSS Maintainers Interview | Oh My Git! [EN]
- Jugend hackt Community Talk: NFTs [DE]
- C.M. Magazin: #15 Photo of House With The Design of a Strawberry [DE]
- Originalteile #35: bleeptrack [DE]
- Wednesday Solder Sesh #34
- FOSDEM'22: Generating virtual 3D exhibitions from Wikipedia
- breaking lab Livestream [DE]
- Best of Hackster Café 2021
- Diese Menschen haben uns 2021 beeindruckt
- Operation Mindfuck Vol. 5
- So Many Tabs: Vom Bug zur Spielwelt – So programmierst du Kunst
- Keynote @ HCKHNX
- Ki Salon Kickoff
- „Kultursaaten“ dürfen endlich sprießen
- Wer ist Bleeptrack? Bucherin erhält Stipendium des Freistaats Bayern
- Maker Faire Hannover - Talk @ Entertainment Stream
- Linux Uprising: Oh My Git! Is An Open Source Game For Learning Git
- Hackster Café
- t3n: „Oh my Git“ bringt dir Git in Form eines Zeitreise-Kartenspiels bei
- Jugend Hackt Community Talk: Oh my Git!
- Südwestpresse: Ein eigenes Kunstwerk aus Mittelfingern
- Rock Paper Shotgun: This video game teaches you how to use Git repositories
- Freie Maker e.V. Labnight
- Prototype Fund Demo Week
- heise: Oh My Git! macht aus dem Versionsverwaltungssystem Git ein Spiel
- NDR Poscast: She likes Tech
- FOSDEM 2021: Building a Git learning game
- Makercast Ep. 24
- Talk: Operation Mindfuck Vol. 4
- Talk: Exploring generative spaces: a quickstart to generative art at Github Universe
- Blitz City DIY: Controlling Bongo Cat with PicoPlanet
- Talk: Generative Kunst at Berblinger Spirit Talks - Innovation und Kunst aus dem Automaten
- Adafruit: PicoPlanet – Microcontroller boards with capacitive touch
- First There Was Holst, Now There Is Bleeptrack
- Matou makes: Building a remote control for my drone
- Makercast Ep. 20
- Jugend Hackt Community Talk: Code & Kunst
- Makercast Ep. 17
- Talk: Exploring Generative Spaces at Enthusiasticon
- Make: Kurzvorstellung
- Boston Stupid Shit Hackathon - Presentation
- Uni Ulm: Im Ulmer Museum sind die Käfer los
- c't Make X/20: Was uns inspiriert
- Closing Ceremony at 36c3
- Opening Ceremony at 36c3
- Talk: Operation Mindfuck Vol. 3
- Regio TV Schwaben: Wenn aus Computercode Kunst wird
- Förderpreis junge Ulmer Kunst
- Südwestpresse: Ein Mausklick, ein Kunstwerk
- Rock Paper Shotgun: The best games from A Maze Festival in Berlin
- Deutschlandradio: Rundgang über A Maze
- Talk: crowdsourcing a poetic language at A MAZE and Now Play This
- Evil Mad Scientists - featured artist
- Gamestar hinter den Pixeln: Prozedurale Generierung - Die Zukunft der Spieleentwicklung - alle Macht dem KI-Algorithmus
- Exploreu el coneixement mitjançant un joc de cartes de Wikidata
- Freakshow: Marmorkuchenstadt Hommelbach
- Talk: Operation Mindfuck Vol.2 at 35c3
- Workshop: Generative Art with Paper.js at 35c3
- Keynote: Von Onlinecommunities und bunten Käfern at PHBern
- Talk: Operation Mindfuck Vol.1 at 34c3

about me
Hi, I'm bleeptrack, a freelancing creative technologist, and I love generative stuff of all sorts!
My main interests lie in the areas of generative or AI art,
digital fabrication and DIY electronics. I teach at different universities/colleges and love to give talks and workshops!
My current projects are documented in a video series called "Work in Progress" every two weeks. I also draw a small picture every day - they are called "Schnipsel".
- Fellow at Media Lab Bayern
- Artist in (remote) Residence KI Salon Heilbronn
- Stipendium für junge Künstler und Künstlerinnen des Freistattes Bayern
- Förderpreis junge Ulmer Kunst
- Scene Change, ZKM, Karlsruhe
- KI Festival 2023, KI Salon, Heilbronn
- Protest! gestalten: Von Otl Aicher bis heute, Museum Ulm, Ulm
- Flames to Dust, Sofiensäle, Berlin
- AI+X Summit, ETH Zürich, Zürich
- KI Salon Auftaktveranstaltung, KI Salon, Heilbronn
- KI Festival 2022, KI Salon, Heilbronn
- </A “Manifesto” of= {every} One.s Own>, Ballhaus Ost/Mousonturm, Berlin/Frankfurt
- Mirror Machines, Maschinenfabrik, Heilbronn
- Open Codes. Connected Commons., Nam June Paik Art Center, Seoul
- Kultursaaten, Museum Brot und Kunst, Ulm
- Facetten, Stadtische Galerie, Ostfildern
- Code/Kunst, Museum Ulm, Ulm
- Open Codes. The Art of Coding., Gallery MMB, Mumbai
- A MAZE, , Berlin
- Now Play This, Somerset House, London
- Open Codes, Connected Bots, Chronus Arts Center, Shanghai
- PatternPortrait: Draw Me Like One of Your Scribbles, In Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design: 10th International Conference, EvoMUSART 2024, Held as Part of EvoStar 2024
- Co-creative Drawing with One-Shot Generative Models, In Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design: 10th International Conference, EvoMUSART 2021, Held as Part of EvoStar 2021
- StrokeCoder: Path-Based Image Generation from Single Examples using Transformers, International Conference on Computational Creativity. Workshop: Casual Creator
- Playable Experiences at the 16th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment
- Dropout Induced Noise for Co-Creative GAN Systems, In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops