Bugs + Beetles
"Bugs & Beetles" is a generative art project that takes inspiration from nature to create fictional beetles. Through the use of more than 50 parameters, each bug is given a unique and distinctive appearance, resulting in millions of different variations. This project aims to explore and showcase the power of generative processes that can be found in the natural world.
One of the fascinating aspects of "Bugs & Beetles" is the multitude of parameters that influence the look of each bug. These parameters can include factors such as size, color, shape and patterns on the beetle's body. By combining and adjusting these parameters, the generative art algorithm can produce an incredible array of different beetle designs, ensuring that no two bugs are alike.
Bugs were chosen for their easily recognizable shape but also for their immense variety in nature. And also of course: bugs are also coding errors.
The ever growing project expanded into a generator website, twitter and mastodon bots, plotter art, sticker and more.

beetle grid

beetle pen plot

beetles on exhibition
On Display
On Exhibition:
- KI Festival 2022, KI Salon, Heilbronn, 2022
- Facetten, Stadtische Galerie, Ostfildern, 2020
- Code/Kunst, Museum Ulm, Ulm, 2019
- Open Codes. The Art of Coding., Gallery MMB, Mumbai, 2019
Press + Mentions:
- Golem Podcast: Kunst mit Code [DE]
- So Many Tabs: Vom Bug zur Spielwelt – So programmierst du Kunst
- Hackster Café
- Freie Maker e.V. Labnight
- NDR Poscast: She likes Tech
- Talk: Generative Kunst at Berblinger Spirit Talks - Innovation und Kunst aus dem Automaten
- Jugend Hackt Community Talk: Code & Kunst
- Uni Ulm: Im Ulmer Museum sind die Käfer los
- Südwestpresse: Ein Mausklick, ein Kunstwerk
- Evil Mad Scientists - featured artist
- Gamestar hinter den Pixeln: Prozedurale Generierung - Die Zukunft der Spieleentwicklung - alle Macht dem KI-Algorithmus
- Freakshow: Marmorkuchenstadt Hommelbach
- Talk: Operation Mindfuck Vol.2 at 35c3